Ce thème prend en charge les constructeurs de page populaires comme Elementor, KingComposer, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin, Thrive Architect, Divi, Brizy, Visual Composer, etc. ShoppingCart is another multipurpose WooCommerce theme for WordPress. WooCommerce allows you to effortless convert a website into a selling machine. The Neve theme works great with Elementor so you can have full control over your page layouts. En effet, il existe de nombreux sites qui recensent ces thèmes WordPress gratuits mais certains sont meilleur … Your email address will not be published. E-Commerce is a Simple, Clean and Responsive eCommerce WordPress Theme by Catch Themes. The Astra theme touts itself as the fastest theme for WordPress and when it comes to eCommerce website, website speed matters a lot. This is known as eCommerce, and WordPress is the perfect platform for launching an eCommerce venture. Conçu en tenant compte des performances du commerce électronique, Shopkeeper est un thème WooCommerce Premium entièrement réactif avec un grand plan ou des fonctionnalités importantes. Deejay est le 2ème meilleur thème gratuit WordPress pour le musicien que je voudrais partager avec vous. There’s also 110 different customization options, including unlimited colors, over 600 Google fonts, and custom backgrounds. La mise sur pied d’une entreprise peut être une entreprise longue et coûteuse. StoreVilla est un thème gratuit pour réaliser une boutique en ligne (site eCommerce) sur WordPress. Il fournit également des options de personnalisation étendues via le personnalisateur et plusieurs générateurs de pages. Easy Store is easy to setup, yes, but it’s also feature-rich, making it a true standout theme. Le meilleur thème WordPress de commerce électronique global. The theme also has a well-organized homepage with a grid layout that makes it easy to highlight your products and share store policies such as free shipping. It can be customized and adapted for any niche. Ainsi vous obtenez sûrement une … Lots of people purchase items from mobile phones and tablets, so you would be silly to forget about those customers. Vous l’aurez compris, le template se distingue de l’intégration WordPress sur-mesure qui elle est dédiée à un seul projet. For instance, you can change the colors, fonts, select from a light or dark header style, and add contact information in the top bar. Overall, it’s a simple, yet stunning theme made for small to large-sized eCommerce businesses. Bento est un puissant thème WordPress multi-usage avec des tonnes de fonctionnalités. Some other benefits of the Leto theme include the fast support from AThemes, constant updates, and the live customizer. Après notre guide sur comment créer une boutique WooCommerce, je me devais de créer un article contenant une liste des thèmes WooCommerce les plus populaires sur le web. Forcément, il y a une différence de tarif car le travail n’est pas le même et surtout le client paye l’e… It’s worth mentioning that one of the demos is an Elementor demo which means you can easily rearrange the layout of the store with an easy to use drag and drop interface. Il propose également trois démos pour vous aider à démarrer. In addition to that, the theme provides a responsive design, which is absolutely necessary in today’s eCommerce world. Use this … You can also build trust by showcasing your store’s policies and highlight free shipping. Themes; Plugins; Blog; Documentation; Shopify; Contacts ; Buy All 40 Premium WordPress Themes for $54.99 Home / eCommerce / fCommerce – Free eCommerce WordPress Theme. To be clear, Wootsify can still offer a rapid setup time. You can also present products from various categories right on the homepage. If you take a look at the EightStore theme you’ll notice quite a few interesting frontend features that you can’t find anywhere else. This includes social sharing buttons, contact cards, and a stylish portfolio gallery, complete with hover effect. It has many great features and offers the power of the Elementor plugin under the hood. First of all, it’s a rather visual interface, with large headers, sliders and thumbnail images and links. Lastly, the Orchid Store is responsive so your visitors will have no problems completing the purchase even on mobile devices. You can set up a blog and contact page as well to further build a relationship with your customers and prospects. On top of that, the Rife theme integrates with Elementor so you can quickly and easily create custom page layouts. It works with the Gutenberg editor and is compatible with major WordPress plugins. Thèmes WordPress Les meilleurs thèmes WordPress gratuits et premium disponibles sur internet. Another quick start WordPress theme for online stores is the aptly named Easy Store. Pour cette raison, vous voudrez peut-être rechercher les meilleurs thèmes WooCommerce gratuits pour faciliter le processus. Zigcy Lite offre une intégration approfondie avec tous les paramètres de WooCommerce ainsi que plusieurs mises en page de boutique. In addition to all of the above features, the Neve theme comes with a growing collection of starter sites to speed up you design process. It also comes with multiple page templates, gallery options, a blog template, social media integration, and a banner that can display timely information across the top of your site. Cependant, il est également bien connu pour être extrêmement bien associé à WooCommerce. As mentioned, the header media allows for you to show off a large header image. And with an included contact form and blog template, you’ll be well on your way to creating a fully functional site that speaks to the needs and wants of your target customers. SparkleStore is another online store theme that couples solid design principles with tried and true e-commerce features. Hestia est un thème WordPress gratuit et très flexible pour tous les types de sites web. After all, nobody wants to wait around for the page load before they can start shopping for their favorite products. Easy Mart. Il s’agit là d’habillages graphiques développés en amont par une ou plusieurs personnes et proposés sur le web moyennant finances la plupart du temps. Quels sont les thèmes WordPress gratuit qui vont s'imposer en 2020 ? In fact, much of the work is done by the plugin and payment processor. Why? Qui pourrait créer un meilleur thème de vitrine pour WooCommerce que l'équipe du plugin elle-même ? The homepage also has plenty of space to showcase featured products from various categories. En effectuant mes recherches pour vous présenter ce qu’il se fait de … Nombre total de téléchargements: 116,573Évaluation: 98% (14 évaluations), Classe de performance: B 89Taille de la page: 607,1 KoDemandes: 27. Get Started 30 day money back guarantee; Support teams across the world; Safe & … Not bad for a free theme, right? Nous n’avons pas inclus les temps réels de vitesse de page, car ceux-ci dépendront largement de votre hébergement et d’autres optimisations de performances. OceanWP est également un thème polyvalent. This means there are no unnecessary shortcodes, sliders, or page-builder plugins bundled in with the theme — though if you want this functionality, you can install a plugin for it from a recommended list. Theme provides a minimalist and modern look make your eCommerce store … On se retrouve cette année pour le traditionnel article qui présente les thèmes WordPress gratuits les plus prometteurs à découvrir en 2019 !. It comes with a large above the fold area where you can add a full width header image or slider featuring most popular products or product categories. It’s also responsive so it’ll look great on mobile devices. On top of that, you’ll find multiple navigation menus, custom social media icons, and plenty of widgets to add content to the homepage. It is designed especially to work with a popular eCommerce plugin "WooCommerce". Trouver des thèmes WordPress WooCommerce de qualité est plus difficile que vous ne le pensez. TheShop is a gorgeous eCommerce theme, designed to help you sell more. This e-commerce theme is compatible with WooCommerce and offers a responsive design that’ll look great on any device. The Trusted WordPress theme is another simple and free option that offers a solid platform onto which to build your online store. Cependant, la large sélection de thèmes gratuits sur le marché – à la fois sur l’annuaire des thèmes WordPresset sur les sites tiers – rend difficile d’affiner vos options au mieux. On se retrouve cette année pour le traditionnel article qui présente les thèmes WordPress gratuits les plus prometteurs à découvrir en 2019 !. This gem helps you configure categories and collections, listing them on a single page without any problems. For that, nothing can beat a theme built by WooCommerce developer WooThemes, who have created a number of high-quality themes for this very purpose — including the next item on our list, Storefront. Nozama Lite also includes a featured slider across the top of the homepage, which works hard to bring visual interest. Along with that, you receive everything from primary color options to the Awesome Slider. Therefore, you have the chance to do all of this with the simplicity of a free eCommerce theme. The EightStore option goes along well with the WooCommerce plugin, making it useful for those who are familiar. This is a simple theme but sometimes that’s all your store will need. Divi : Le meilleur thème WordPress de tous les temps ! These make your design process a little bit easier, since you don’t have to worry about coding or hiring a developer. Pour cette raison, vous voudrez peut-être rechercher les meilleurs thèmes WooCommerce gratuits pour faciliter le processus. En fait, il dispose de plusieurs fonctionnalités de commerce électronique natives, telles qu’une fenêtre contextuelle de panier, une barre flottante d’ajout au panier et des affichages de vue rapide du produit. Ce thème WordPress WooCommerce basé sur Customizer regorge de fonctionnalités de commerce électronique. Tout d’abord, ce thème a été conçu par les créateurs du plugin WooCommerce. All Business Elementor Responsive Ecommerce One-page Minimal Free Beaver Blog Entertainment Education Sports Fashion Travel Photography Food Medical. Leto also provides several widgets for developing your entire homepage. Notre site gratuit de démarrage de la boutique fournit toutes les mises en page de page WooCommerce dont vous avez besoin. You can build your image slider with MetaSlider, your layout with the drag-and-drop Page Builder, and you can, of course, sell products from your website courtesy of WooCommerce. It offers a great design and an awesome collection of features, with which you can achieve a remarkable e-commerce experience for your website. The execution is flawless, and this has made this theme insanely popular — to date there have been just shy of a million downloads. You can begin building your site with the included templates and features, then hire a developer to make further improvements. En tant que propriétaire de boutique en ligne, il sera beaucoup plus facile d’attirer des clients et de vendre des produits avec ce thème. Intuitive and easy to use, packed with premium features and plugins, Artemis brings perfection to the WordPress environment. You can build your own custom layout for your pages thanks to Make’s intuitive drag-and-drop page builder functionality. fCommerce – Free eCommerce WordPress Theme. Nous l’avons également conçu pour être l’un des thèmes les plus rapides du marché, comme vous pouvez le voir dans les résultats des tests ci-dessous. ... nous le meilleur thème e-commerce WordPress totalement gratuit. It also has a top bar where you can input contact information, shipping info, as well as quick links to customer’s accounts and wishlists. WooCommerce - the most customizable eCommerce platform for building your online business. Don’t forget that you can also customize various elements using the Elementor page builder plugin so the customization options are numerous with this theme. A truly exceptional theme! It’s completely compatible with WooCommerce and is fully widgetized. It’s responsive which means your visitors can easily make a purchase from their smartphone or tablet. Perhaps more than this, it’s because of one fantastic eCommerce plugin in particular: WooCommerce. GoodStore est un thème e-commerce polyvalent pour Woocommerce.. Faites votre choix parmi les nombreuses variantes et séduisez tous vos clients avec votre boutique en ligne. Along with that, the Estore theme delivers on category colors, since you choose from a wide range of colors to brand your websites and make things more lively. GeneratePress is compatible with most popular page builder plugins and works with a number of hooks and filters for further expanding its e-commerce functions. WordPress eCommerce templates will help you build an online store that your users will love so head on over to ThemeForest now! This feature is proven to drive more sales and is a must-have for any online store you create. In my opinion, though, Vantage is the perfect theme for a business website or a professional blog. Make is highly recommended, and would be a great theme to power a professional eCommerce store. What really stands out here is the near full-width featured product at the top of the homepage. The Neve theme is a perfect choice if you want a theme that’s built to load fast and one that’s easy to customize. The theme itself looks gorgeous, with a stunning full-width parallax image on the homepage, as well as product category thumbnails, and stunning product galleries. This theme includes a full support forum as well. Il est complet, facile à utiliser et livré avec plus de 62 … Divi is our flagship theme and visual page builder. The premium version … Meilleur theme wordpress … Home Shop is a Premium Responsive WooCommerce WPML Wordpress Theme that was developed for any retail store. The color scheme here includes a lot of white space, which is great for allowing your products to stand out. The Modern Store theme has a modern and clean design. Neve Shop: Meilleur thème WooCommerce gratuit et complet. ShoppingCart also supports popular plugins such as Breadcrumb NavXT, WP-PageNavi, Contact Form 7, Jetpack, bbPress, and many more. Avec plus de 290.000 clients Elegant Themes est certainement l’un des clubs les plus populaires de thème WordPress, et ils étaient l’un des initiateurs du modèle d’adhésion pour les commerces de thème… Il fonctionne très bien avec la plupart des plugins de constructeur de pages et il recommande même d’en installer un lors de l’activation. La clé pour repérer un thème WordPress WooCommerce de qualité est de garder les yeux ouverts pour quelques fonctionnalités cruciales: Bien sûr, le thème fera également idéalement appel à votre goût personnel, qui va être subjectif. Along with that, the Leto theme offers a selection of Google Fonts that can be switched from the WordPress customizer. And since it’s optimized for SEO, your site will be found more readily in search results related to your niche. Sélectionnez le meilleur theme woocommerce gratuit … The search bar across the top of the theme entices visitors to search for their perfect product with ease. T hèmes WordPress Gratuits En 2019. Modern Store is fully compatible with Gutenberg, Elementor, Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, and other popular plugins. It’s also fully customizable, so you can change color schemes, fonts, widgets, and more to meet the needs of your business. You’ll also get a beautiful, responsive design, making it effective on all mobile devices. eCommerce Gem est un thème WordPress de commerce électronique polyvalent et gratuit, adapté aux sites Web de commerce électronique de tout type de magasin. However, if you have more unique requirements for your site, this theme really begins to shine. Avec un theme wordpress woocommerce gratuit vous pouvez créer un magasin en ligne unique et y avoir confiance grâce au moteur WordPress. That’s what today’s list is for: to introduce you to 31 of the best free eCommerce WordPress themes, all fully compatible with WooCommerce. Opstore is an e-commerce WordPress theme that offers all the features you’ve come to expect from an online store template without feeling redundant. I know what you’re probably thinking: get me WooCommerce now! This makes it a great theme for anyone looking to build an image-rich website. Ensuite, nous partagerons nos dix premiers choix. Neve Super Fast, Featherweight Theme to Enter the New WordPress Era. Tarif : 44 $ Avec ces 20 thèmes WordPress… Ecommerce WordPress Themes Browse Our Top Ecommerce & Shop WordPress Themes & Templates. Wootsify’s best feature is the collection of hooks and filters it places at your disposal. Tout aussi populaire selon les numéros du répertoire de thèmes WordPress, notre thème Hestia Lite est une autre option de qualité. Along with that, you receive some social link settings, a full-width slider, and a widget section in the footer. De la possibilité de votre succès, libre à distance des questions, n’hésitez. Best FREE WooCommerce Themes/ WordPress eCommerce Themes 2020. Il s'agit d'un thème WordPress très flexible et personnalisable pour tout le monde dans l'industrie. The call-to-action buttons that overlay images are brightly colored and inherently clickable. Bien qu’il n’inclue pas autant de fonctionnalités liées à WooCommerce que la plupart des autres thèmes de cette liste, il est bien optimisé pour des temps de chargement rapides. Best is a responsive WordPress theme that features an engaging design that is fully fluid responsive, loads incredibly fast, is fully customizable, and optimized both for search engines and advertisers. The Orchid Store theme is a versatile free theme with several demos that you can easily import with a single click. Many customization options are also included. Not only can you customize the colors and the fonts but you can also create a beautiful and completely custom homepage that showcases your best and most popular products. WooThemes have created a truly excellent, lightweight theme. The theme offers over 10 widget areas to fit all of your content, and it also has 12 custom widgets from category lists to metadata. It’s also translation-ready and comes with support for popular WordPress plugins. The homepage looks great with a full-width slider, beautiful icons, and bold headline text. This theme makes it a snap to create a beautiful e-commerce website based on WooCommerce. This is completely free access to the Google Fonts, which often is only available if you pay for a premium WordPress theme. The homepage has several sections that allow you to showcase various categories and testimonials from past customers. Il est bien connu pour son style minimaliste et ses performances impressionnantes. It doesn’t get much simpler than the Nozama Lite WordPress theme. It’ll load quickly, which means customers will be more likely to complete their purchases. Speaking of, Opstore is compatible with Elementor, so you can drag-and-drop all the features around to land on a site design and layout that suits your store’s needs. You can use it for any type of store, from fashion and jewelry stores to tech and appliances stores. For a free theme, Vantage offers a lot of functionality — including some features usually reserved for premium themes. The drag-and-drop page builder plugin is also bundled in, which means you get a bunch of class-leading site creation tools at your disposal. With a soft filter cast over all images, you can immediately give your products an aged or professional look. The Zigcy Lite theme was built entirely on Customizer which means you will have no problems getting your online store to look exactly the way you want. Without doubt, Customizr’s main selling point is (as the name alludes to) customization. E-commerce site templates will integrate perfectly with the likes of Magento, Shopify and other platforms that make it easier for you to open your online shop. I also like the footer editor, which is great for sharing copyright information and customizing this small section a little easier. Thèmes WordPress, kits graphiques WordPress, templates WordPress : il s’agit de plusieurs expressions pour parler de la même chose. Un thème léger est une nécessité pour maintenir la vitesse de page aussi élevée que possible. However, if you’re looking to get started quickly, Sydney offers one-click imports of its demos — great if you’d like your e-commerce store to start from a solid base. Ce thème est également compatible avec Elementor et comprend des centaines d’options de personnalisation uniques. On vous présente dans cet article l’ensemble des meilleurs thèmes WordPress gratuits pour créer votre portfolio en 2021. GeneratePress est un thème WordPress responsive, rapide et qui se veut léger (moins de 1 Mo compressé). Trust is a key metric among many customers, and for good reason – it directly impacts whether you make a sale. They also have plenty of features to help you attract more visitors and convert them into customers in 2020. Neve offers a well-organized homepage that makes it easy to display your featured and most popular products. SornaCommerce is a fully responsive WordPress WooCommerce theme, perfect for your e-commerce website. The theme also comes with beautiful and personalized checkout pages so you can improve your checkout conversion rates. The theme has a stunning above the header area where you can add a call to action to feature most popular collection or highlight a new arrival in your store. WooCommerce is a well-known online store platform for WordPress that makes the task of setting up and managing an e-commerce presence simple. Nous pensons clairement que les thèmes polyvalents sont excellents pour les sites WooCommerce. It has a full-width CTA panel, 9 different widget areas, including footer widgets, and a footer menu. Zakra est un autre thème polyvalent qui s’adapte bien à l’utilisation pour les magasins en ligne. Nombre total de téléchargements: 49,725Évaluation: 90% (2 évaluations), Classe de performance: B 90Taille de la page: 821,8 KoDemandes: 255. OceanWP est certainement le thème WordPress gratuit le plus prisé du moment. Il est livré avec un assistant d’installation facile, et un plugin qui ajoute des témoignages et des services à votre site Web. Another benefit of the Estore theme is that it comes with the Collection WooCommerce template. As we reach the end of today’s list, I’ve saved this little gem for last. The pro version also has advanced typography, delivering over 600 Google Fonts for the ultimate selection. Maintenant que vous en savez un peu plus sur le eCommerce, voici venu le temps de vous présenter… 20 thèmes WordPress eCommerce.