Macron ally under investigation for financial impropriety. The entourage of the president of the National Assembly had also said Thursday that the non-indictment of Ms. Doucen was "reassuring nature for further training.". La sélection d’une zone géographique peut modifier la langue et le contenu promotionnel affiché sur le site web Adobe Stock. Eine Woche vor der Parlamentswahl hat die französische Staatsanwaltschaft Vorermittlungen gegen den Minister für territorialen Zusammenhalt, Richard Ferrand, angekündigt. Souhaitez-vous les transférer vers votre profil d’entreprise ? The placement under the intermediate status of witness witnessed by Richard Ferrand's companion in the case of Mutuelles de Bretagne is "good news" and shows that "the truth is gaining ground", said Friday Paul-Albert Iweins, lawyer of the President of the Assembly. "The truth makes its way." "The truth makes its way." Sandrine Doucen 1 result. Richard Ferrand, ganet d'ar 1añ a viz Gouhere 1962 e Rodez , zo ur politikour gall. French National Assembly president Richard Ferrand and his partner Sandrine Doucen arrive for a state dinner with the South Korean President, at the Elysee Presidential Palace in Paris on October 15,... 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Richard Ferrand, who is the ... Mr Ferrand was not in the house, which he shares with his partner - the lawyer Sandrine Doucen- at the time, and nobody was hurt. Keyword: Sandrine Doucen. 191. The commentators who had thought to be able to align with the version of Anticor ", the anticorruption association that filed a complaint with civil suit in this case," would be wise to be cautious ", he added. Die Justiz leitete am Donnerstag Vorermittlungen gegen den Minister für den territorialen Zusammenhalt, Richard Ferrand, ein. Richard Ferrand gilt als enger Vertrauter des französischen Präsidenten. Richard Ferrand, ganet d'ar 1añ a viz Gouhere 1962 e Rodez (), zo ur politikour gall.Kuzulier rannvroel eo e Breizh abaoe 2010, dilennet da gannad e Penn-ar-Bed e 2012. Ms Doucen financed … À la suite d’un appel d’offres, un bail est conclu avec une société civile immobilière (SCI) dont la gérante est Sandrine Doucen, qui est la conjointe de Richard Ferrand. {"228017415":{"content_id":"228017415","title":"French National Assembly president Richard Ferrand and his companion Sandrine Doucen arrive for a state dinner hosted by president Macron","content_type_id":1,"content_type":"image\/jpeg","content_thumb_url":"https:\/\/\/jpg\/02\/28\/01\/74\/160_F_228017415_ph6n9r5ALF2XmFnMrRmhg9LtRxVoiI2N.jpg","content_thumb_large_url":"https:\/\/\/jpg\/02\/28\/01\/74\/500_F_228017415_ph6n9r5ALF2XmFnMrRmhg9LtRxVoiI2N.jpg","content_height":333,"content_width":500,"content_original_height":3664,"content_original_width":5500,"format":"jpeg","comp_file_path":"https:\/\/\/fr\/Download\/Watermarked\/228017415","author":"POOL\/REUTERS","author_url":"\/fr\/search?creator_id=206948512","content_url":"https:\/\/\/fr\/editorial\/french-national-assembly-president-richard-ferrand-and-his-companion-sandrine-doucen-arrive-for-a-state-dinner-hosted-by-president-macron\/228017415","content_path":"\/fr\/editorial\/french-national-assembly-president-richard-ferrand-and-his-companion-sandrine-doucen-arrive-for-a-state-dinner-hosted-by-president-macron\/228017415","is_purchasable":true,"is_template":false,"is_chin_below":false,"is_video":false,"is_3D":false,"is_image":true,"is_vector":false,"is_audio":false,"is_illustrative":false,"is_similar_id":false,"is_similarity_search_allowed":true,"is_offensive":false,"possible_licenses":[1,5],"asset_type":"Premium-Image","category":{"id":1157,"name":"Actualit\u00e9"},"premium_level":{"1":"editorial image|standard|premium 2|unknown|PT8","5":"editorial image|standard|premium 2|half|PT4"},"premium_level_id":3,"meta_description":"French National Assembly president Richard Ferrand and his companion Sandrine Doucen arrive for a state dinner hosted by president Macron - Acheter cette photo libre de droit et d\u00e9couvrir des images similaires sur Adobe Stock","is_rush_mobile_compatible":false,"thumbnail_url":"https:\/\/\/jpg\/02\/28\/01\/74\/360_F_228017415_ph6n9r5ALF2XmFnMrRmhg9LtRxVoiI2N.jpg","thumbnail_width":541,"thumbnail_height":360,"is_lazy_loaded":false,"can_license_with_cct_pro":false,"file_extension":"jpeg","getSubtypeLabel":null,"is_licensed":false,"media_type_label":"Photo","video_small_preview_url":null,"order_key":null,"category_hierarchy":"\u00c9ditorial > Actualit\u00e9","avatar":null,"artist_page_url":"\/fr\/contributor\/206948512\/pool-reuters?load_type=author","is_editorial":true,"editorial_data":{"photographer":"POOL","source":"REUTERS","event_date_timestamp":"1539639902","restriction_labels":[],"restriction":"","description":"French National Assembly president Richard Ferrand and his companion Sandrine Doucen arrive for a state dinner hosted by president Macron (unseen) for South Korean President Moon Jae-in (unseen) at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France October 15, 2018. Jetzt ist der Minister wegen eines Immobiliendeals ein Fall für den Staatsanwalt Bet eo ivez sekretour-meur ar strollad En Marche ! This indictment is linked to the fact that the Mutuelles de Bretagne, which he then ran, had decided in 2011 to rent commercial premises belonging to his companion. L’association se met en quête d’un nouveau local à Brest pour abriter un centre de soins. Inquiry opened into Macron ally Richard Ferrand's deal. Lille : Sandrine Doucen, la compagne de Richard Ferrand, entendue par la justice - France 3 Régions . Wegen einer Immobilienaffäre wächst der Druck auf einen engen Vertrauten von Frankreichs Staatschef Emmanuel Macron. Sandrine Doucen was in turn heard all day by the judges Lille, Thursday. adalek miz Here 2016. Sandrine Doucen a été placée jeudi soir sous le statut intermédiaire de témoin assisté pour "complicité de prise illégale d'intérêts et recel" dans l'affaire des Mutuelles de Bretagne, au lendemain de la mise en examen de M. Ferrand pour prise illégale d'intérêts dans cette même affaire. The companion of the President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand was placed under the status of assisted witness in the Mutuelles de Bretagne case. Sandrine Doucen was placed on Thursday evening under the intermediate status of witness assisted for "complicity in illegal taking of interests and receiving" in the case Mutuelles de Bretagne, the day after the indictment of Mr. Ferrand for illegal take of interests in this same case. All posts tagged "Sandrine Doucen" 626. The fact that Sandrine Doucen was not indicted Thursday after its hearing by the judges in Lille in charge of the investigation is "good news," said Me Iweins, one of two lawyers, with Philippe Bazire, of M. Ferrand. This indictment is linked to the fact that the Mutuelles de Bretagne, which he then ran, had decided in 2011 to rent commercial premises belonging to his companion. She was placed under the status of assisted witness for concealment. ", Complicity in illegal taking of interests and receiving. Richard Ferrand a zo bet lakaet da vinistr unvanidigezh an tiriadoù e gouarnamant Édouard Philippe d'ar 17 a viz Mae 2017. The Mutuelles de Bretagne affair had led Mr. Ferrand to leave the government in June 2017. Hintergrund seien eine Reihe von Medienberichten über ein etwaiges Fehlverhalten bei Finanzgeschäften, erklärte der Staatsanwalt von A French prosecutor is investigating alleged financial misconduct by Richard Ferrand, a minister in President Emmanuel Macron's new government. Recomandări. Inquiry opened into Macron ally Richard Ferrand’s deal. The placement under the intermediate status of witness witnessed by Richard Ferrand's companion in the case of Mutuelles de Bretagne is "good news" and shows that "the truth is gaining ground", said Friday Paul-Albert Iweins, lawyer of the President of the Assembly. President suffers blow amid claims against Ferrand, the first MP to quit Socialist Party and join En Marche! Sandrine Doucen was placed on Thursday evening under the intermediate status of witness assisted for "complicity in illegal taking of interests and receiving" in the case Mutuelles de Bretagne, the day after the indictment of Mr. Ferrand for illegal take of interests in this same case. Richard Ferrand a zo bet lakaet da vinistr unvanidigezh an tiriadoù e gouarnamant Édouard Philippe d'ar 17 a viz Mae 2017. last year. The companion of Richard Ferrand was placed on Thursday night under the status of witness assisted for "complicity in illegal taking of interests and receiving" in the case of Mutuelles de Bretagne, told AFP the parquet floor of Lille. The commentators who had thought to be able to align with the version of Anticor ", the anticorruption association that filed a complaint with civil suit in this case," would be wise to be cautious ", he added. Kuzulier rannvroel eo e Breizh abaoe 2010, dilennet da gannad e Penn-ar-Bed e 2012. Un lien pour définir votre mot de passe a été envoyé à : Nous avons trouvé un historique des licences, des crédits ou une formule d’abonnement dans votre profil personnel. 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Bet eo ivez sekretour-meur ar strollad En Marche ! Richard Ferrand, președintele Adunării Naționale a Franței, care ocupă locul patru în ierarhia de stat sub Constituția franceză, este acuzat că ar... More Posts. French National Assembly president Richard Ferrand and his companion Sandrine Doucen arrive for a state dinner hosted by president Macron - Buy this stock … Sandrine Doucen was placed on Thursday evening under the intermediate status of witness assisted for "complicity in illegal taking of interests and receiving" in the case Mutuelles de Bretagne, the day after the indictment of Mr. Ferrand for illegal take of interests in this same case. Paris/Brest. Diese ist nicht nur gegen Ferrand gerichtet, sondern auch gegen den Verwaltungsrat von Mutuelles de Bretagne und gegen Ferrands Lebensgefährtin Sandrine Doucen. adalek miz Here 2016. Eineinhalb Wochen vor der Parlamentswahl belastet die Affäre um ein früheres Immobiliengeschäft zunehmend Macrons Regierung. The entourage of the president of the National Assembly had also said Thursday that the non-indictment of Ms. Doucen was "reassuring nature for further training.