Lyndon Baines Johnson. Many jews were rounded up and killed. General James Doolittle. Did you know that it was the 33rd US President who targeted two Japanese cities with nuclear bombs? In this paper, we propose a scalable yet flexible access control enforcement . "Our Mission is to share knowledge to help the collective research. Sitting on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia, near the 33rd parallel, stands a huge granite monument. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. Beyond 33.Helllo to everyone reading this, also you in the shadows.I am looking for the four part video called Stanley Kubrick Exposes Illuminati. It will be replaced by the older traditions that people lost which were harmonious with nature.It was not about exploiting nature, it was about living with harmony with nature.Nature is the limb of God without which we cannot survive.Any other ambiguities? Delmar Darrah. Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? Namara Vasili Maklakov. Can any of you pm me a link to do my numerology, please. The Bermuda Triangle has also a mysterious connection to Parallel 33. 4y. The National Park Service describes Launch Complex 33 as: Closely associated with U.S. testing of the German V-2 rocket, the origins of the American rocket program, and the leadership of Dr. Werner von Braun. The secretive club's dcor is reminiscent of a Masonic lodge, with its black and white checkered floor (representing duality) and blue and . In 1840, an allegation was made that jews were kidnapping and engaged in the ritual murder of two Christians in Damascus, Syria, a city , like Baghdad , right at the heart of the 33rd parallel. Men are not inherently absolutely evil, and neither are women perfectly innocent, eternal victims of menpatriarchy and matriarchy (nature worship) are two sides of the same coinexcept, may be that patriarchical soceities emphasize the son/sunand matriarchical societies emphasize the moon/lunaIt is nothing more than the worship of the sun and the moon - both sides are one and the same nonsenseand trying to lay the blame to, "brutal" empires guided by patriarchy misses the point entirelythe goal is to get you to react and get pissed off at, "men" for being so, "evil." Dual 33s = 88 pieced together. Leon Zeldishttp: //www. For instance, the first Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, was established in 1801 at Charleston, South Carolina. Little more than two months after taking office, President Reagan was struck by an assassin's bullet which, but for a quarter of an inch, would have propelled Bush into the Oval Office seven years before his time. The statue stands on a pedestal near the foot of Capitol Hill, between the Department of Labor. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. (im not a satanist btw, allthou when you relise what it truley is, you could probs say we both are)2. numerology - numerology is an amazing thing, but its mainly useless unless you know what your precisely doing, and what system is being used. Ted's Bio; Fact Sheet; Hoja Informativa Del Ted Fund; Ted Fund Board 2021-22; 2021 Ted Fund Donors; Ted Fund Donors Over the Years. It was alleged byThe New York Timesin 1993 that Disney had been passing secret information to the FBI from 1940 until his death in 1966. John H. Cowles. It's a glimpse into what a connected office can be and how it. They fuck, and produce a son/sun. Secret society initiates use these systems to privately communicate with each other (in a way that non-initiates would not easily understand or decode), as well as to create a vibrational match between their actions and other more occult forces. Senator Simpson. Didn't you ride his coat tails into office? Rudolph Steiner. Now you know. 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. Titles The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel On June 2. "Superstition" - classical Latin superstitio"Magic" - has Latin classical roots, appearing as magica"Ritual" - ritualis - LatinWhy do these words originate from the same language "Latin" and from the same region called "Rome"?Do older languages than Latin have these words? Jessie James. William Guy Carr: Quoted in Satan: Prince of This World. This is why the Freemasonic lodges also utilize the number. Tony Blair Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck Alain Bernheim. There is no historical or archaeological or historical evidence to suggest this is the case. I have chosen to provide the best care for my fellow human, while respecting the environment(nature) around me. Did you know that Baghdad is located at latitude 33 33N and the palace of Saddam Hussein was built exactly on this position? The return of paganism is the same as the current religious institutions bent on murder and genocidejust on different rationales (by appearances only). Another significant UFO event that shares more than one parallel with Roswell is the Phoenix Lights event of the evening of 13 March 1997. the masonic bible 33rd degree freemason says Lucifer is the good guy. There are 13 stripes for the 13 original colonies.Could be the part of the same equation? Awesome expose on the hidden hand of history!However, the so-called "Star of David" has nothing to do with King David. A huge factor in ancient religeon of hebrews and christians involve Mt Hermes which is the place that moses was visited by god. The Inferno has 34 cantos. hotspots of various activity around the globe.. edit on 21/2/11 by Misterlondon because: Were not your policies radically different from Reagan's? Dr. Bob Jones Sr. Jack Kemp. Benjamin Netanyahu G. Bromley Oxnam. The 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space, a mystery we are . The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. Casa Grande for instance. What is the secret of the 33rd degree Freemason? Your email address will not be published. In Freemasonry, the highest order is the 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite. Ronald Reagan was shot in the 3rd month on the 30th day 3 + 30 = 33. John Drick. Occult Mysteries of Parallel 33. The human foot has 33 joints. Phoenix, AZ is also a hive of Freemasonry. advertisement. Foster Bailey. James Rothschild. Apart from kicking off the bloody American Civil War in January 1861, the 33rd parallel also played host to the death of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt who died suddenly on 12 April 1945 of a cerebral hemorrhage after complaining of having a terrific headache. Henry Kissinger C. Fred Kleinknecht. and within 650 m of 911 ground zero. His articles have been linked to from popular sites such as Cryptomundo, and Coast to Coast AM. On February 1, the campaign drew an. As such, can we really be surprised that writers/poets/philosophers have considered numerical patterns to be significant?My observation, of course, does not really undermine your research. Some believe that this is nothing more than a coincidence, while others point to a number of interesting details with the number 33 link. Layout of Washington D. C. Lady Queensborough: Occult Theocracy, pp. Are we all bad? The ancient city of Babylon was very near the 33rd parallel while modern Baghdad is on the 33rd parallel. may be that patriarchical soceities emphasize the son/sunand matriarchical societies emphasize the moon/lunaSo, have fun worshiping the sun and moon all you want, but either way, it is the road to solitary lunacy For all the people they [ exclusive religion/ Illuminati ] destroyed, and their continuous propaganda to take over the world -- payback is inevitable. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. Rouche and his vice presidential. It goes up to 360 Royal levels. many years ago, before i even knew about the meanings behind "33", i started pricing my paintings at 33.33i started painting on square canvasses, and to me they looked like those old vinyl records--those 33 rpm, and that is what brought to my mind when i looked at my canvasses.i added the .33 because duplication attracts attention, and because no one else priced their paintings at 33.33so mine stood out, and it did indeed increase sales. Paul Rosen. Well there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian. J. Edward Mandell House. New World Order was added to the dollar bill in 1933, Read 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball, 200 (Arabic), (Bulgarian), 200 Bewijzen dat de Aarde Geen Tollende Bal is (Dutch), 200 Preuves Attestant que la Terre n'est pas une Boule qui Tourne (French), 200 Beweise da die Erde keine rotierende Kugel ist (German), } } (Kurdish), 200 Pierdjumi ka Zeme nav Rotjoa Bumba (Latvian), 200 rodym kad em nra Besisukantis Kamuolys (Lithuanian), 200 Prove che la Terra non una Palla Rotante (Italian), 200 Dowodow ze Ziemia Nie Jest Wirujaca Kula (Polish), 200 Provas que a Terra No uma Bola Giratria (Portuguese), 200 de dovezi c Pmntul nu este o sfer care se nvrte (Romanian), 200 , . All content copyright 2023, Dealey Plaza is shaped like a . S&F for pricking my interestRespects to you. There is not one degree of leeway between the two. Toggle navigation . Anyone can see him and his laws in the Double slit diagram.To live in harmony with nature then means human sacrifice - both symbolic and literal. I love goats, and raw goat milk, and it was one of the most fun jobs i have ever had especially when they would start having kids. It is exactly like the current trend in making all whites look bad via politically correct soft language without actually addressing the real causes of the troubles of the worldI.e. Theme parks and many other businesses that attract kids also attract abusers. Who is the light-bringer in the Old and New Testaments? World War. Some biblical texts suggest that it was at this location where the Garden of Eden was located. Exposing subliminal sexualizing content aimed at young children from Hollywood, TV shows, Movies, and the pedophile fashion industry. Dr. David Martin Update, He Has The Receipts, 37 year-old woman from the UK develops a lump after Covid-19 vaccine, NBA Team FORCED To Apologize For Saying ONLY Women Have Babies In Womens History Month Video, No More Secrets - Teach Your Children To Tell On Pervs, This Graphic Drag Show Is Made For Babies & Toddlers, The Awareness of the Insanity of the Dark Path of the USA Political Landscape Today, Biden is Losing Support for Funding and Arming Ukraine. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. Rev. Giuseppe Garibaldi. Jimmy Carter. He was the winner of the second season of The X Factor Australia in 2010, and subsequently signed with Sony Music Australia Diaries of a 32nd Degree Freemason Ex Master Freemason Exposes the Freemasons Nelson Mandela was a 33degree Freemason.The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church by Dr. James Wardner(Final Edition) This video shows what communism really is and how modern Catholics subscribe to communist and masonic ideas and philosophies that go against Catholic teaching. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. The Round Fountain in the Tuileries correlates with Solomons Temple. Charles Taze Russell. here's one, i don't know if its on the site you linked to but here you go-. 3/11/1985 was also the date of Mikhail 'NWO' Gorbechev's inauguration., John F. Kennedy was killed over currency right next to the 33rd degree latitude line in the. In 1935, Walt Disney was summoned to Paris, France to receive a medal for the creation of Mickey Mouse from the League of Nations. Wrong Assessment, Illuminati controls the exclusive religions that has taken many lives to create the new world order of today.I am getting bored now. first shots of the American Civil War were fired, 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. Logline: "Ancient Aliens" meets "No Reservations". Might be copyrighted material also.Red Ice Radio - Stanley Kubrick Illuminati - Jay Weidner (4 Part YouTube Audio, Video Still Shot) torrentTorrent Size: 106 MBCategory: VideoFiles: 4Base16 hash: 7882832EB1498C061487A2E8651E5E74B9D0242E. Despite Delta Alarmism, US COVID Deaths Are at Lowest Level Since March 2020, Harvard and Stanford Professors Explain, Mask-Free Sweden: ZERO Daily Covid Deaths; Chief Epidemiologist Warns Against Far-Reaching Conclusions About Delta Strain, The Pineal Gland: The Biggest Secret of Human Biology, Spiritual Awakening, and Supernatural Abilities, BBC Documentary: Jesus Was a Buddhist Monk (Accounts for the Missing Years), USA: The Mystery of the San Pedro Mountains Dwarf Mummy. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. Subtitle: Further, is it just coincidence that Babylon was first major city to be established simply because it was on the 33rd Degree Parallel? Whats with the number 33? Apparently, it was the 33rd United States President, who targeted two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with nuclear bombs. Subtitle: Further, is it just coincidence that Babylon was first major city to be established simply because it was on the 33rd Degree Parallel? Hence they have to be destroyed. Albert Pike Predicted 3 World Wars. Reverend James Bevel, launched a mobilization to remove the statue of General Albert Pike from Washington, D. C.'s Judiciary Square. Purgatorio has 33 & Paradiso has 33 for a total of 100 cantos not 99.Michael Warning. Nice,I should have known you already read it. Rabbi Leo Baeck. DNA - ive spent tonnes of time researching stuff like this myself, and ive found that DNA holds alot of answers, and i dont just mean blood lines. A sentence was passed upon him by a regular court under the laws of the United States of America. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Adriano Lemmi. The first atomic detonation (that we know of at least) occurred on 16 July 1945 at the Trinity test site near Alamogordo, New Mexico. Newt. 11th month on the 22nd = 2 x 11 right when he entered the pyramid. Another organization some consider a secret society with Luciferian links to the Illuminati, although to others it's merely an inept world body lacking any real power or influence - the United Nations - may also find significance in the . US President Franklin D. Roosevelt also died near parallel 33. I was put in charge of all 80 milking goats luckily. posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:56 AM. In other words, the worship of nature and to live in harmony with nature means the rebirth and resurection of the PEOPLES' TEMPLE AGRICULTURAL PROECT. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World. 3 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world, including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. The Green Movement and the Conspiracy-theory driven resistance movement that insists on retaliation and remaking the world once the, "other elite" is, "defeated" is the source of this new prison - this time, they will make a new prison for themselves without knowing it. I want to get out of the USA as soon as possible though. At the end of hostilities with Germany in 1945, Operation Paperclip helped cleanse the Nazi past from Germanys top rocket scientists, so that they could continue their work for the US. Helmut Kohl Ted Kollek. Perhaps it was no accident that Charleston was the birthplace of the Scottish Rite, being situated just 15 miles south of the 33rd parallel. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. Kennedy of whom it is known that the Illuminati were its intellectual authors, Apparently, it was the 33rd United States President, who targeted two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with nuclear bombs. "However" Sanatan Dharma is not a religion - it existed thousands of years before Christianity.Ram Setu or Adams bridge in India, which connects India with Lanka was carbon dated back to 1,750,000 years. Morris B. Adolphe Cremieux. Frederick Engels Senator Sam J. Fleming. Copyright 2020 Humans Are Free. Thus, we see the following numbers in the JFK assassination: Interestingly, its also where the first shots of the American Civil War were fired when Charlestons Citadel Cadets fired upon a Federal ship, Star of the West, as it sailed into Charleston Harbor. Like Roswell, Phoenix is also located along the 33rd parallel. In 1942, at Parallel 33 North, the so called battle of L.A took place. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator (0 degrees) and the Arctic Circle (66.6 degrees North Latitude.) Municipal Building, between 3rd and 4th Streets, on D Street, NW. Sorry, time to wake up and smell the coffee. Lemmi was a supporter of patriot and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, and may have been active in the Luciferian Society founded by Pike. Christian A. Herter. Critical Thinker, and Truther You would have NEVER have been President if it wasn't for Reagan. 84 likes. They are an extension of French Freemasonry, and considered liberal. They were available on Youtube three years ago but now they have totally disappeared from the Internet. Disney is a magnet for pedophiles, who prowl in search of kids. M. H. Barroso. 86. hmmm. May be the American flag holds secrets too? In the Essenes Revelation there is so much more hope, when we change ourselves that all the wrath wont happen compared to the Revelation in the bible where is just seems like were screwed no matter what. 85. Felix Warburg. It pops right up for me. This area was once thought to be the Garden of Eden. mmmm Im now getting an error 503, even when using google to search..intrigueing ! As we shall soon see, many pivotal events of recent history have occurred along the 33rd parallel. The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel. I live in Las Vegas local food is still considered California. One of the difficulties that I have with your numerology is that most cultures/religions have developed their own system of metaphor and symbolism around numbers.They are a foundation of knowledge and are abstract from the material world. For example, 33 was the age of Jesus at his death, it is the most important degree that Freemasonry gives and it is the number of vertebrae that . Altijan Juric, best known by his stage name Altiyan Childs, is an Australian singer-songwriter. Rendlesham Forest 1980 Pt II - Will There Be An Answer? I found one more thing on interesting lats and longs the lat 33.0 33.0 33.0 is right off the coast of Israel. James Cameron. What secrets in plain sight connect the Freemasons to Stonehenge via the number 33? Some say the club got its name from the original 33 corporate sponsors of Disneyland, but then . Albert Pike's Background. Andrew Johnson. Freemasons, or Masons, are members of a secret fraternal order known as the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, whose goals are, supposedly, to promote brotherhood. God is the Light-bringer, and in consequence, that light is the negative electron - the elect lady of NATURE - of EARTH. 06/16/2022 . Alexander Kerensky. George Bush Sr. aren't you a 33rd degree mason, and wouldn't you have benefited from Reagan's death? Disney channel and Disney movies exposed. Curtis Lemay. Incorrect. If these damn laws here would change in most states and allow clean pasture raised raw milk for sale I would have no problem going vegetarian as soon as possible. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and. It is the religion of Christianity, Islam, Judaism - the pagan cults of Dionysus, Saturn, Chronos, Shiva, Jupiter, Zeus, Apollo, Horus, Settake which ever name you prefer as your, "savior" and you end up worshipping the same sun-god sacrifice religions of oldand worshipping the moon - it is a reflection of the SUN - it is the MOTHER - the worship of SOLOMON and 666 (six = sex = hex). Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. The seduction of secret societies is as old as the Garden of Eden, when the serpent beguiled Eve, saying to her, "Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). This supposedly magical number appears to pop up time and time again throughout many of historys most significant and tumultuous events, from Biblical times through to the modern era. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Mystery Trackers: The Secret of Watch Hill Collector's Editi. Col. Kenneth Hagin Manly P. Hall. Pike was said to be a genius, able to read and write in 1. And then just after midnight on 6 June 1968, JFKs younger brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, was gunned down at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, about 1,245 miles east along the 33rd parallel from where his brother was murdered. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 2. Welcome to the weird. Illuminati brainwashing and destruction of morality. After reading the Gospel of the Essenes I finally understood why I couldn't and can't kill animals. Freemasonry that I. Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant. 33rd parallel may refer to: 33rd parallel north, a circle of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion, "Dantes Divine Comedy divided into 3, 33 cantos sections: 33 Cantos of Inferno, 33 Cantos of Purgatorio, and 33 Cantos of Paradiso."Incorrect. Meaning this scam goes on and on infinitely. For instance, the first Church of Scientology was built on the 33rd parallel, an area also associated with UFO sightings and where JFK lost his life. Daniel Carter Beard (Boy Scouts)Justice Hugo Black. The parallels 33 North and 33 South are another interesting topic of discussion. And as in the Roswell case, there appears to be some level of orchestrated military and government subterfuge involved. The consequences were severe: On Sept. 11, 2015, a crane fell, causing 107 casualties, including the 15-man crew, and injuring as many as 238.The conspiracy alleges that, as a cover-up, the . Between 1. A 4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interpreted Hermon as anathema.. What does the number 33 means to the Freemasons? A flamboyant, obsessed professor and his two equally colorful cohorts travel the world along the 33rd Pa On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. the secrets of the 33rd parallel. Many argue that the location of buildings on this line has close links with Freemasonry, religious communities, and secret societies, but there are numerous historical facts that attributed to mysterious places like these. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: "No matter where I run, I meet myself there" Dorothy Fields Ted Gunderson Joan Veon Laurence Gardner John Burke Jerry E. Smith Eustace Mullins Rik Clay Kent Daniel Bentkowski Ian Xel Lungold James Arthur Red Ice Membership Assuming office in April, 1945, Truman oversaw the charter-writing meeting of the United Nations, Germanys surrender, and the bombing of Hirishima and Nagasaki. Wait, can somebody please elaborate how living in harmony with nature is worshipping the light of lucifer?