Clayton-Tarvin, who was endorsed by the Orange County Democratic Party along with Hardy, Rodriguez and Inouye, said she saw the election outcome as a win-win. [Read: OCs Clean Power Agency Launches For Homes Next Week: What Does That Mean For You?]. Term Limit Measure: Shall an ordinance be adopted by the City of Beverly Hills to establish a total three term limit during one's lifetime for the offices of City Councilmember and City Treasurer in the City of Beverly Hills? HUNTINGTON With all 68 precincts reporting, two Republicans appear to be joining the Cabell County Commission. Year Elected: Filled unexpired term that ends Dec. 31, 2024. The conservative candidates campaign had deep pockets; Strickland alone reported more than $100,000 received in the first half of the year, a number that grew to more than $194,000 by Oct. 22. COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio law does not permit voters to return absentee ballots at their precincts on Election Day, the states elections chief is cautioning amid a misinformation campaign around the security of voting machines thats urging them to do so. Preliminary results show each incumbent with over 50% of the vote. HUNTINGTON On Tuesday night, incumbent Ric Griffith had just 63 more votes than his opponent in the race for the West Virginia House of Delegates' District 27 seat, according to unofficial. MANHATTAN BEACH CITY SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE A. What do you like most about living in Huntington? The Board enacts Local Laws, adopts an annual Town Budget and appoints Department Directors and Deputy Directors. Huntington, IN 46750 Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. While they are frequently in the office, if you are interested in meeting with a Council Member, please call the City Council office at 714-536-5553 to schedule an appointment. Those that are still talking about that are the ones who have refused to meet with me, that dont know me. June 22nd, Primary Election. Our reporters hold powerful interests accountable to protect your quality of life. TORRANCE CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION City Clerk, TORRANCE CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION City Treasurer, TORRANCE CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Mayor, TORRANCE CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, 1st District, TORRANCE CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, 3rd District, TORRANCE CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, 5th District, TORRANCE CITY SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE SST. Start each day informed with our free email newsletter. January 31, 2023 City of Downey Special Municipal Election - Results (Text Version) Download Election Results; Historical Election Results; Statement of Votes Cast; California Secretary of State's Statewide Results; Any online server's performance may slow down under a heavy traffic load. Low around 35F. Total number of precincts: 5. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Polls closed Tuesday but ballot counting continues. HUNTINGTON One incumbent and one new politician are running for the 27th District seat in the West Virginia House of Delegates in the general election. It depends on donors like you. 35 . We had a message that resonated with the people of Huntington Beach.. Committees:Planning & Zoning (chair), Solid Waste Management & Recycling, Profession: Director of Sales, Delta by Marriott, Education: BBA in marketing, Marshall University. Whats on the ballot in Californias 2022 midterm election? INITIATIVE ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING FOR MANHATTAN BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. They literally put out eight hit pieces on me, Clayton-Tarvin said. This page was created by Iris Lee, Vanessa Martnez, Lorena Iiguez Elebee, Szu Yu Chen and Sandhya Kambhampati., By COURTNEY HESSLER OCs Clean Power Agency Launches For Homes Next Week: What Does That Mean For You? David Clifford, Huntington Beach City Council candidate, Election 2022 questionnaire Kaitlyn Schallhorn 10/6/2022 Ahead of the November elections, The Orange County Register compiled a. Mayor, City of Huntington Larry Buzzard (Republican)1,577 Johnnie Hiles (Independent)505 Richard Strick (Independent)2,060. Mike DeWine on Tuesday gained a second term as he defeated challenger Nan Whaley, a Democrat who hoped to regain a seat last won by her party 16 years ago. Michael Gates, a fellow conservative. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), From left to right, candidates Casey McKeon, Pat Burns, Gracey Van Der Mark, Tony Strickland and city attorney Michael Gates at the October 28 Save Huntington Beach Victory Rally - Gracey Van Der Mark for Huntington Beach City Council Facebook, Battle Between Huntington Beach City Council and Elected Attorney Continues. Billy Wayne Bailey - 12,372 City Council District 2 Rep. Todd Sweeny - 527 [] Elections ADVERTISEMENT Race Results: Governor Little Rock Mayor Ballot Measures U.S. Senate U.S. House State Senate State House Dist. The community. Burns is a retired police officer and Strickland is a former state senator and assemblyman. Feb 25, 2023. CHARLESTON Two sitting Republican U.S. representatives in West Virginia have easily overcome challengers to keep their seats in the deep red states shrinking congressional delegation. Van Der Mark, who has served as a finance commissioner and planning commissioner, finished fourth in the 2020 race. These new boundaries will take effect on January 1, 2025. The campaign war chest for Rep. Carol Miller, R-W.Va., has swelled down the stretch of her bid for a third term representing the newly redrawn 1st Congressional District against Democratic challenger Lacy Watson. Growing up in Huntington, there was always a feeling of closeness to the neighbors in the community. Pat Burns, Tony Strickland, Gracey Van Der Mark and Casey McKeon have been campaigning together for months. The result means that she will continue serving on the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees as its president. 7, ANTELOPE VALLEY HEALTH CARE DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION - MEASURE H. Shall the measure authorizing the Antelope Valley Healthcare District to issue 30-Year General Obligation Bonds, not to exceed $400 million at tax rates described in the voter guide, to keep Antelope Valley Hospital and its trauma center from closing by building a new hospital meeting California's Earthquake Standards, improving care by recruiting/retaining trained nurses/ physicians, reducing Emergency Room wait times, protecting privacy, expanding senior services and requiring taxpayer oversight for online transparency and accountability, be authorized. LYNWOOD CITY SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE R. Lynwood Governance Stabilization. . As an independent and local nonprofit, our news is accessible to all, regardless of what they can afford. HUNTINGTON As voters head to the polls, they may have a few last-minute questions to prepare for Election Day. She served 2021 as City Councils vice chairwoman. Jim Justice seemed to be on the same page about tax reform. 11 Kansas State to help NCAA, Kitayama holds onto Bay Hill lead over Scheffler,, No. CITY OF HUNTINGTON, INDIANA 300 Cherry St, Huntington, IN 46750 (260) 356-1400 Staff Directory City Building: 8am to 4:30pm Mon - Fri City Services: 7am to 3pm Mon - Fri Among the 18 candidates running for four open seats on Huntington Beach's City Council, Pat Burns, Tony Strickland, Gracey Van Der Mark and Casey Mckeon took a lead in early returns posted. Huntington City Councilwoman Holly Smith Mount was elected chairwoman and City Councilwoman Sarah Walling was elected vice chairwoman during the Councils meeting Monday, Jan. 10. HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) - Huntington City Council on Monday night approved a motion from Mayor Steve Williams to make Deputy Chief Phil Watkins the city's new Police Chief. Send us asecure tip. Shall a measure imposing an annual flat tax of $1,095.00 on each real property parcel within the City of Manhattan Beach, and adjusted annually for inflation, for a period of twelve years, thereby generating an estimated $11,000,000 to $13,000,000 annually for investment in education, with an oversight committee and exemptions for (1) low-income individuals and (2) seniors who use their property as a principal residence, be adopted? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. HUNTINGTON The West Virginia House of Delegates District 24 race came down to a tiebreaker in the final moments, with the last reporting precincts pushing Republican Patrick Lucas ahead of Democrat Ally Layman in unofficial returns. That means Huntington Beach residents might see a much more conservative council moving forward, and an end to many of the fights between the council and city attorney that have dominated the citys politics over the past year. All Vote Center locations in Huntington Park will be open to cast your ballot beginning Friday November 4, 2022 and ending Tuesday November 8, 2022 at 8:00p.m. At this time, we are sending questionnaires only to candidates in contested races. Canadian woman wins Key West conch, Israelis protest legal overhaul plans for 9th week, High Winds Cause Widespread Power Outages in WV,, Many customers without power in West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky under state of emergency for severe storms, Wind, tornado and flood risks Friday in WV, KY and, Active Weather to End the Week in West Virginia,, West Virginia beats No. 2022 General Election Results; Historical Election Results; County Coroner. 3 (R) Jim Banks71.69% State Senator (R) Andy Zay74.84% State Rep., Dist. CHARLESTON For at least four years, the West Virginia Legislature and Gov. CABELL COUNTY, WV (WOWK) Here are the projected numbers so far for races in Cabell County and Huntington. Get the facts on the California candidates running for election to the City Council City of Huntington Beach Find out their top 3 priorities, their experience, and who supports them. While. What do you like most about lviing in Huntington? Gates campaigned with all the candidates who appear poised to win those seats. Share your thoughts in a community opinion piece. Your health and safety is our priority. For Mount, it will be her first year as chairwoman of Huntington City Council. The people of Huntington have a warmth that creates an accepting environment for all those who live or visit here. CONTESTED REPUBLICAN RACES. Vote in the safety of your home by returning your Vote by Mail ballot. Do not use them to determine city boundaries. I dont know how anybody who wants to have an opposing voice is going to be able to do that., Oscar, Ken and I ran a clean campaign and we only told the truth And they turned it into a referendum on Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom, she added., Newcomer Miller wins vacant Cabell BOE seat, Caserta pulls ahead of Smith in race for Cabell County clerk, With unofficial results, Caldwell and Mandt gain Cabell County Commission seats, Incumbent Rohrbach keeps seat in House of Delegates, Worrell defeats Nance in race for West Virginias 23rd District, Incumbent Griffith appears to win House 27 seat in close race, Increasingly packed GOP field in 2024 governor race already a heavy fundraising affair, Ohio derailment tests Sen. Brown's push to buck Dem defeats, Campaign Trails: Reception to support Miller's gubernatorial campaign, Auditor McCuskey announces bid for WV governor, West Virginia Senate OKs bills to alter elections process, Ohio plan aims to boost trust by standardizing election data, Former delegate announces Circuit Court judge candidacy, Filing deadline set for Lawrence County candidates, McCuskey, Capito, Warner eyeing W.Va. gubernatorial runs in 2024, WV Treasurer Riley Moore announces 2024 bid for US House seat, Cabell, Wayne counties complete canvassing after election, W.Va. GOP hopes for more gains in 2024 as state Dems enter rebuilding phase, W.Va. voters reject GOP proposals on school, tax control, Miller soars to re-election in West Virginia, Ohios incumbent Gov. The neighbors and the willingness of the community to make things better. McKeon, a member of the Charter Review Commission and a former finance commissioner, said this time was different. CHARLESTON As West Virginia auditor, JB McCuskey leads an office that tracks government spending. COLUMBUS, Ohio Republican Ohio Gov. May. LITTLE LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION - MEASURE LL. Ballot box icon is from Google Material Icons. The community of support, the skill, and the follow -is found with every neighbor. The new online reporting system will facilitate public access to campaign disclosure documents and make the filing process easier and more efficient. Shall the City Charter be amended to allow the City, on a competitive bid contract, to award a bid preference to a bidder located in the City of Los Angeles? A Republican "unity" slate of four candidates appears to have been elected to the Huntington Beach City Council. Outside the special election, Councilors Mark Huntington, Pam Williams and Marvin Sullivan were re-elected unopposed. The OC Registrar of Voters is slated to update ballot counts at 5 p.m. Wednesday. The 23rd District covers southern Cabell County. WASHINGTON Sen. Sherrod Brown has survived a decade of statewide Democratic losses in Ohio by building a reputation as the rare person in his party who can still connect with the white working-class voters who have increasingly shifted to Republicans. The Huntington County Election Board recently announced in an email that the candidates challenged in hearing submitted by the Democrat and Republican parties last week have been cleared. MONROVIA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION City Clerk, MONROVIA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION City Treasurer, MONROVIA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Mayor, MONROVIA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, PARAMOUNT CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, PASADENA CITY PRIMARY ELECTION Member of the City Council, District 3, PASADENA CITY PRIMARY ELECTION Member of the City Council, District 5, PASADENA CITY PRIMARY ELECTION Member of the City Council, District 7, ROSEMEAD CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, SAN DIMAS CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Mayor, SAN DIMAS CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, 2nd District, SAN DIMAS CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council, 4th District, SOUTH GATE CITY SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE CC. 60, JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Office No. HUNTINGTON The Huntington City Council will see several new faces at its table at the start of 2021, as several new members were elected into office Tuesday in the 2020 general election. We have taken down the paywall on our election pages. Since the last boundary changes in 2017, 52 councillors have been elected from .